"Putting the Heart in our Christmas Art!"

Santa True

Robert Seutter

Elevating the Magic: Santa Ben's Ongoing Training Journey

Becoming a Christmas Performer is an exceptional craft. It involves moments where your audience might sit on your lap, followed by being as grand as a parade route. As our profession continues to evolve, the demand for Christmas Performers with a diverse skill set—ranging from storytelling and singing to acting, improv, mime, character work, and beyond—continues to grow.

Santa Ben had the privilege of attending the Christmas Performer Workshops (CPW), where the focus is on propelling your abilities to the next level. This unique platform is designed to assist performers in developing their own distinct offerings and navigating their path to becoming an "A-List" Performer more efficiently.

How was this achieved?

It's essential to acknowledge that mastering these performing skills is a gradual process that demands dedication, investment, and practice. Unlike conventional performing arts courses, CPW holds a distinctive advantage. Starting from a Reenactor/Storytelling background and incorporating experience as a Christmas Performer, CPW offers a tailored fit for the multitude of skills required to bring a Christmas Character to life!

Santa Ben's participation in these workshops equipped him with insights, guidance, and a network of resources that continue to fuel his journey in this specialized field. The workshops, classes, and sessions provided him with the invaluable opportunity to streamline his progress, saving both time and resources while offering precise knowledge and training necessary for growth.

Discover how Santa Ben's ongoing training journey with CPW has enriched his Christmas Performing expertise and how he continues to embody the spirit of the season in his unique way!